Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Lifespan-extending drug given late in life reverses age-related heart disease in mice

Lifespan-extending drug given late in life reverses age-related heart disease in mice

The longer you stay alive... the longer you may be able to stay alive. Advances and breakthroughs in medicine occur on a daily basis. The drug rapamycin may help to reverse heart disease.

The encouraging thing about this article is that the author explains that they are not just trying to extend life, but they are also shooting to improve its quality at the same time. A longer life won't be much fun without better functioning.

Lab Mice
"Elderly mice suffering from age-related heart disease saw a significant improvement in cardiac function after being treated with the FDA-approved drug rapamycin for just three months.

The research, led by a team of scientists at the Buck Institute for Research on Aging, shows how rapamycin impacts mammalian tissues, providing functional insights and possible benefits for a drug that has been shown to extend the lifespan of mice as much as 14 percent.

There are implications for human health in the research appearing in Aging Cell. Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the U.S., claiming nearly 600,000 lives per year."

Read the full story here:

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